
Baag gace jo sant radha soami shabad femalae voice
Baag gace jo sant radha soami shabad femalae voice

Where divine strains of the vina fill the air. Giving me the support of the Dhun, the True Shabd,ĭrawing me upwards on the stream of Sohang Shabd, reveal the vision of the True Realm, Sat Lok, Let me bathe in those purifying waters, so that I may become immaculate and whole. In the spiritual pool of Mansarover, in the region of the Void, Rivet my attention at the still point between the eyes,Īnd show me the Light of Spiritual knowledge.įerrying me across the physical, astral and causal realms. Please keep me safe from black magic and spells of revenge.Īnd keep me steadfastly absorbed in contemplation on You. You dwell beyond the arena of action, above the causal and super-causal planes. Please take me out of the cycle of births and deaths. I have taken refuge in Your shelter, and now to preserve Your honor, You dwell beyond the three gunas, most profound Lord. Place the divine mark of Shabd on my forehead, and accept me as Your own. Now grant me the gift of inner Enlightenment. Please remove all my faults and low qualities, I have fallen at your door - O, Gatekeeper of the Inner Realms. Understanding you as Kama Denu, the wish-granting cow, O Merciful Satguru, Deliverer of the World. You are the Lord and Friend of the lowly ones.


You free all the jivas from the desires and afflictions of this world. Samantha has contemplated upon Your lotus feet, O Protector of the lowly ones, most merciful Lord, Vanquishing all obstructions in this earthly existence,įree us from attachment to the six-directional Maya,Īnd bestow on us the Transcendental Reality that is beyond price.Ĭupped in Your hands is the Nectar of Immortality, which you graciously distributeĮven the Shastras and Puranas recount Your matchless glory. Lord of the Inner Sound, the mystery never ending, Yet within the hearts of the Sadhus, You make Your abode. Surpassing the Vedas, You are the Embodiment of Wisdom, You dwell beyond the physical, astral, and causal realms. O Kindler of Light, in Your form resides all power and splendor. Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and the serpent Shesh proclaim Your glory. The Vedas and all the scriptures extol Your Greatness. Through contemplation upon You, the yogis have abandoned worldly desires and have achieved union with the Beloved. The mind cannot conceive of You You are without beginning and without end. Ineffable and beyond reckoning is Your state. Omniscient Consciousness, Quintessence of Light, You are the victor over death who ferries the jivas across the impassable realm of matter,

Baag gace jo sant radha soami shabad femalae voice